Heather Solarie Healing Arts
Letting Love Lead The Way
More About Heather Solarie
She is a certified hypnotherapy instructor and a certified hypnotherapy examiner with the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners.
First introduced to the concepts of creative thought and self-help in the 1980's through Sondra Ray's Loving Relationship Training, she was deeply inspired and quickly began studying Rebirthing. It was through the practice of connected breathing that she had her first transcendental and deeply spiritual experiences. This became the basis for her specialization in methods for understanding and healing the prenatal phases of development including how subconscious programming from womb-time, birth, and early bonding influence adult behavior. Heather is a Rebirther and certified in Liberation Breathing. She has facilitated group rebirthing for Sheila Kelly's S Factor Retreat.
Interest in exploring other healing modalities led her to discover the Bio-Energetic Release work of Alexander Lowen, a student of Wilhelm Reich, and attended classes in Lowen's home in Connecticut. His work sparked a deeper interest in the use of the body's inner intelligence for release and healing on an emotional as well as physical level. She continued exploring the body-mind connection with the study of massage therapy at the Scherer Institute in Santa Fe. She currently holds a massage therapy license in the state of Hawaii.
Heather was President and Co-director of the Hypnotherapy Academy of America in Santa Fe, NM for 10 years where she maintained a private practice and developed many of her own therapeutic techniques which are a synthesis of many healing modalities. She was a driving force in the development of curriculum, teaching techniques, and the initial structure and success of the school. She is the originator of the Body-Mind Solutions processing technique. During this time, the work and mentorship of her close personal friend, the world renowned hypnotherapist, Gil Boyne, was a major influence on her development as a hypnotherapist and teacher. Heather is also certified in Creative NLP.
Heather now lives and works on the mystical and magical island of Maui Hawaii, heart chakra of the earth.

About Sessions with Heather
A Note From Heather
I am devoted to assisting people raise their personal consciousness. To assist people in understanding the dynamic nature of their true self and the unlimited power of their inner creative mind. A profound power lies within each and everyone of us to powerfully create lasting positive change for ourselves, for others and ultimately for the entire world. Raising the consciousness level of all humanity can be achieved and it starts from within. Each moment offers us the possibility of moving one-step closer to the actualization of our true potential as consciously aware human beings. Human beings who make choices, act and interact from a natural humanitarian perspective with grace, dignity and respect for themselves and the world around them. As each one of us becomes conscious of our unconscious thoughts and feelings we gain greater insight into the reality of our deeper Divine nature. Here transcendence is available and this is the intended goal. Each product and service offered is designed to facilitate another step forward in the continuing development of human consciousness elevation and to further evolve the field of hypnotherapy.