Heather Solarie Healing Arts
Letting Love Lead The Way

Connected Breathing

Connected Breathing
Life force energy also known here in Hawaii as Mana is present in the breath. In Polynesian culture, mana is a spiritual quality considered to have supernatural origin—a sacred impersonal force existing in the universe. Therefore, to have mana is to have influence and authority, and efficacy—the power to perform in a given situation.It is considered to be the creative force of the universe which can be used to manifest when gathered and utilized in a conscious way.
Ha is the Hawaiian word for breath and the sound when inhaling and exhaling fully. The Hawaiian word for family is ohana. o-ha-na, a family of breathers. Come join the Maui Miracle Breath group and become part of this family of breathers.
We will be joining together to explore the personal and group benefits of breathing together in a conscious and connected way. Some of the benefits of conscious connected breathing are:
Natural painkiller
Improves blood flow
Increases energy level
Improves posture
Reduces inflammation
Detoxifies the body
Stimulates lymphatic system
Improves digestion
Increases alkalinity in the body
Brings relaxation
Cleanses and activates healing in the mental body bringing peace of mind
Cleanses and activates healing in the emotional body bringing in higher frequency emotions
Cleanses and activates healing in the physical body bring greater levels of health and wellness
Connects the conscious mind with the sub conscious and super conscious mind
Facilitates altered states of consciousness
Gathers Mana or life force energy to be utilized in the creative process
Connects to higher spiritual awareness and source consciousness
Helps release the past and be more fully in the present moment
Connected Breathing Sessions 90 Minutes $150.00
Call to Schedule